Morning routine - deep breathing

Practice of S.T.R.O.N.G.E.R.

Very often as soon as we hear the alarm clock we jump out of bed as it was on fire...or keep pressing the snooze button until it is time to jump out of bed.

But there is a better way to start off the day and it take just 1 minute.

S is for Sacred Time

Letter S stands for - sacred time - deep breathing. The fast breathing as you jump out of the bed will not cut it! Before you step out of your bed take several deep breaths, and smile.

I set up a vibration on my Fitbit - 5 minutes before my alarm clock goes off. This gives me enough time to do the breathing. 

Taking deep breaths as soon as I get up sets a relaxing tone to my morning. Although sometimes I still forget to do it and I jump out of bed if my life was in danger. But like everything, it take time to get the new routine in place and fully benefit from the change.

3 Tips to Be More Active without Going to the Gym

No time for gym?

You are not alone, I often have no time to head to the gym when I am going through a busy season at work. However, I still manage to get my 10,000 steps on most days just by finding ways to be active throughout the day. All the little things quickly add up, and we all know how good activity is for stress management.