3 Tips to Be More Active without Going to the Gym

No time for gym?

You are not alone, I often have no time to head to the gym when I am going through a busy season at work. However, I still manage to get my 10,000 steps on most days just by finding ways to be active throughout the day. All the little things quickly add up, and we all know how good activity is for stress management.


Mindful Eating - for better health


Mindfulness is "a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique".

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is eating with pleasure. It involves intention to eat, attention on the food, feeling each bite.

The mindful eating helps:

  • to bring awareness of physical and emotional triggers for needing food
  • to recognise feeling of satiety
  • to enjoy food
  • to select more nutritious food

Mindful eating is a powerful tool for discovering a healthier, happier relationship with food.

6 Kitchen Skills that make you eat well and save money

The biggest dollar saver is cut fruits:

  • Fruits that are cut for you can cost anywhere between 50 to 150% more than if you bought the whole fruits and cut them yourself. 
  • When you cut them you control the quality of the fruit and its ripeness. How many times did you buy cup pineapple that was sour or bitter, I know I did few times in the past?

Butcher/cut up meat is the other big saver:

  • From a whole chicken for example you can have 3 meals for 2 (legs and wings, breasts, and corpus). 
  • Leftover bones are perfect for a soup, so don't throw them out.

Flavoured oatmeals:

  • Store bought flavoured oatmeals are packed with unnecessary ingredients and are more expensive than buying plain oatmeal in the bulk store (i.e., BulkBarn in Canada).
  • It is easy to add your own spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, anise, vanilla, or nutmeg. And top it up with fresh or frozen fruits and nuts and seeds for a healthy breakfast.


  • Soups are perfect meals when you are in a rush, to warm up in winter time, or for a all rounded healthy meal.
  • Store bought soups are often packed with unnecessary additives and sodium. By making your own you have a full control of the quality and quantity of each ingredient.
  • They are a great way to minimize waste of fresh produce in your kitchen.


  • Making desserts has never been easier, there are so many kitchen gadgets from blenders to ice cream and popsicle makers that buying chemical laden desserts is not necessary.
  • A little bit of preparation in advance and you can indulge in guilt free desserts.


  • Speciality breads can be very expensive and often they do not taste that great.
  • Baking breads takes a little bit of practice and experimentation, however it is worth the effort as you end up with a beautiful smelling house and delicious bread that fits your diet requirements.