Joanna Boniecka-Grzelak

Over the last couple of generations many people gave up their health to pursue careers. They surrendered all the power to corporations, who now determine what is best for their family in terms of nutrition, activities and exercise, and mental well being. I help people to reclaim their power by becoming tuned in with their own bodies through:

  • exercise classes: yoga for strength, flexibility, and balance;

  • breathing sessions to improve sleep, and better manage stress;

  • health coaching sessions to implement healthy lifestyle changes that stick.

I spent 20 years as a professional accountant, internal auditor, and data analyst, working for some of the world's best known organizations. I understand very well how easy it is for professionals to drop self-care and wellbeing from the daily agenda and tumble down in spite of many corporate wellness initiatives around them. 

For years I have been leading business workshops, and coaching accountants to reach their career potential. Now, I am using my Yoga Teacher Certifications, Breath Coach Certification, and Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach credentials, to nurture seeds of change in busy professionals to help them become more successful through better lifestyle, exercise, healthy attitude, and proper nutrition. 

I believe as a Fitness Professional and Health Coach I am my business card. That is why I live and breathe everything I teach so I can share positive results with you.

My life has not been free of struggles! I went through years of sleepless nights, uncontrollable stress levels, panic attacks and paralyzing anxiety. I suffered through debilitating headaches that made me pop pain killers on a daily basis, and allergies that kept me indoors for most of the year for almost 2 decades. Over the years I found ways to conquer all of these challenges.

Today, I believe these experiences make me a stronger teacher as I understand and can empathize better with many of the struggles my clients face on a daily basis.